Anne Saxelby and Nina Pohl

我非常喜歡吃起士, 所以最近發現了ㄧ家非常全備的起士店, 做了ㄧ些音樂給老闆, 她覺得很有趣, 因為誰會寫曲子給起士店呢~嘻嘻

I’m obsessed with cheese, anything with cheese..yum. So I wrote short pieces for a cheese wholesale store..  of course inspired by their cheese



Saxelby 1.12


Saxelby 3. 14

Saxelby 4. 15


我喜歡作品是充滿色彩的, 而且恰到好處的多元色彩, Nina Pohl, “A little something refreshing“ 讓我從冰冷的椅子上跳了起來……

People need brain food in the morning, and I need brain painting and music first thing when I open my eyes. No caffeine needed…



Painting by Nina Pohl: “A little something refreshing”

Pohl 1.16

Pohl 2. 17

Pohl 3. 18

Pohl 4. 19

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