Gladys Perint Palmer

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About Gladys Perint Palmer

” I draw, I write, I teach.

I learned to draw from my mother and later at Saint Martin’s School of Art in London and Parsons School of Design in New York. When asked, how long it takes to do a drawing, the answer is, a lifetime. Sometimes seven minutes.

I taught myself to write by reading. I write slowly. I rewrite over and over. Then edit some more.

I love research. It is like being a detective. I am still learning, and look forward to new challenges, such as drawing live on camera, more books and exhibitions.

When I was fashion editor at the flagship newspaper of the Hearst Corporation, my byline for text was large and bold; my name under drawings was tiny.

I left the San Francisco Examiner on April Fool’s Day 1991 and thanks to my mentors, Anna Piaggi of Italian Vogue and Carrie Donovan at the New York Times, my bylines exploded, in the United States, Britain, Europe, Asia and Australia.

I learned to be a teacher from the best teachers, Muriel Pemberton and Elizabeth Suter. Now I am Executive Director of Fashion at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco (2715 students, 25 full time faculty, 81 part time faculty).

I have a highly developed sense of irony and my honest opinions, whether drawing, writing or teaching, are mistaken for wit.

At the San Francisco Examiner there was a golden rule. Never start a paragraph with the word ‘I’. ”


Interesting bio, I wrote pieces based on her painting:  Ungaro S/S 2002



GPP mov. 1

GPP mov. 2


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