Philip Crangi Jewelry 2

Just received an email from Philip Crangi Jewelry, thank you again for your inspiration and kind words 🙂

“Today, Philip Crangi is one of the most noted jewelry designers in the industry for both his designs for the family’s Philip Crangi fine jewelry collection and their Giles & Brother fashion jewelry collection; in June, 2008 he was awarded the prestigious CFDA Swarovski Award for Accessory Design and in 2007 he was named runner-up for the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Award. Additionally, Philip now sits on the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) Board of Directors, illustrating his strong influence in the world of fashion.” 

Lacey Medium Earrings/Philip Crangi 

今天收到 Philip Crangi Jewelry 來的信, 好高興阿, 他們很喜歡我的音樂, 音樂跟珠寶是最完美的搭配~

到目前為止, 我還不能完全說明今年這些Projects 的全貌, 等到露出後, 大家就明白囉~~



Crangi 2.1.40

Crangi 2.2.41

Crangi 2.3.42


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