Rachel Antonoff and Isabelle Tuchband

最近正忙著與多位視覺藝術家合作, 世界好像變小了, 我竟然可以在亞洲與世界各國的藝術家合作, 真的有種” 科技把我們世界拉近“的感觸~就在我打這個Post 的同時, 在美洲的藝術家們正吃著晚餐喝紅酒…下面這幅作品是Danny 為紐約時尚周Rachel Antonoff 畫的邀請卡, 而我譜了曲, 簡單的線條, 希望大家喜歡.

I decided to make this piece on a bit of a whim, but I’ve ended up quite liking it!  This is the invitation painted by Danny Roberts and was for Rachel Antonoff Fall 2012 NYFW.

In other news, I’m still working on rearranging my work room. It will take some time. How are you all getting on?

Painting: Black, Red. Designer: Rachel Antonoff, Medium/material: Drawing pencils, water color, arches watercolor paper


Music: Piano/ Logic


下面這位是巴西的藝術家, 多年前就認識她, 他是生活與藝術結合的最佳女性代表。期待下次到巴西與她相遇

Below is Isabelle Tuchband’s painting (Sao Paulo), I hope this music has a bit of a Tuchband feel to it.


contact: contact@chieh-percussion.com

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