Sisto & Nino- Pellegrini’s expresso bar

I love deadlines. The notion that something has to be done by a certain day and a certain time forces me to focus. I won’t literally start outlining my thoughts months in advance and then carefully plod along as if I”m following a Julie ___ recipe. IN fact, I’m as much of a last-minute crammer as the next person. It’s in those pressured moments that my thinking is super crystallized…..

最近與友人吃飯, 問:你那些project 都怎麼來的, 我說:是我朋友阿, 沒錯, 就是從做朋友開始的, 雖然這家店在墨爾本, 但如果有機會, 你ㄧ定要去,

這是有故事的ㄧ家店, 謝謝 Selby 的採訪, 我才有機會寫音樂。

Pictures by Selby

About Selby

Pellegrini’s expresso bar




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